Easy dashboard for wink hub?

on the last screen, after choosing shutter, if you tap on “bind an item” - do you see the same garage door device in that list?

This last step should not be needed usually, but seems like these is a bug somewhere.

No i do not…it is an empty list

Ok, that’s a bug them. Will get back to you.
Thank you for helping figure this out.

@igor while you look into that can you probide some detail about connectig a nest or ring camera? I see it asks for a url but im unfamiliar

I have succesfully created dashboard, but i only really have lights on my Wink hub. So i wouldn’t be able to help out more than that. I actually just recently found this app as well and to my surprise it worked. And what i found to be even better is igor actively helping. This app actually is encouraging me to purchase more devices to pair to the wink just so that i can help with reporting bugs and getting the full extent of the software.

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I also have a Roku tv which I downloaded an app that I can control the tv from here as well. Just some thing a bit different.

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@faviolosky Thanks for sharing your experience and screenshots! Always great to see different user setups using the app :slight_smile:

Just like with Sonos, Wink doesn’t provide any API or documentation for cameras. I will see if there are any workarounds for that.

I agree with you @faviolosky - this app is a blessing so far as nothing i’ve come across has been compatible with wink. I hope to get some other things working on this too…here is my dash so far. Its basic but i would like to add shutters for my garage doors, the local weather, fan speed control and my nest and ring cameras but im kind of stuck right now. @igor is looking into things though

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Thats pretty cool man. What thermostat are you using with Wink? I tried different things to get my lights to work as in using a switch instead of another option, as it displayed better and behaved more like i wanted it. I had to play a little to get the result i wanted and i you will too.

I have a nest thermostat…yea it will take some additional configuring and tweaking. I see other posts here about someone using openhab too

@chrispudge Can you also share screenshot of Wink app showing Garage Door 1/2 on the screen where you can control it?

@igor you just swipe the door up or down to open and close

@chrispudge just to clarify, device that we discussed above was shown with “Garage Door 1” name, while on Wink screenshot it is “Garage Door Chris” - is it the same device? or those are different?

@igor Garage door 1 was just the label i gave the shutter. Garage door chris is the nMe in wink but when i try to bind an item to the shutter the list is blank

hey @igor were you able to get any answer on the garage door shutter issue or the hampton bay fan controller?

@chrispudge I’m still unsure why garage door recognized as contact sensor rather than control. So it will need more time to investigate.
Regarding fan controller, support will be added in the next release.

thanks for the reply - do you know when the next release is scheduled for @igor?

It is currently planned for early October (this release is slightly delayed, there is usually a smaller gap between releases).