Text fields / titles


I don’t think it is possible, but it could be very handy to be able to make some text widget to have titles
This you could organize bigger panel better.
Like this:

this is how it looks on my home screen, look at the titels, imo it’s not clear (should be smaller /darker) and the icons should be changeable.

I am a sucker for good organisation, so having the ability to add plain text/title cards would be amazing. It would help people to organise their dashboards a bit better instead of being a jumbled mess of widgets.

I do find myself staring at the dashboard for a few seconds to actually find what I am looking for, as there is nothing to actually identify areas on my dashboard.

Using Home Assistant, I work around this using template sensors with a text value, i.e.:

  - platform: template
        value_template: Ground

These can then be displayed in HH.

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The new Label widget will be available in 9.0 release

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