SmartThings support

Hi, I am very happy with the homehabit that works with my home assistant and vear. Now I’m giving up these two platforms and moving to smartthings. Does homehabit plan to support this platform?

Smartthings integration is being considered. I wanted to do it for awhile, but a lot changes related to the hub and their API put that on hold previously.
I cannot provide any timelines at this time though.

By the way, curious why did you decide to move from Home Assistant to SmartThings?

I have a lot of devices, about 90 at home, sensors, light bulbs, thermostats, etc. In HA it worked fine but setting the scenes was quite difficult, everyone suggests node reda for me it is too difficult, I have no programmer or IT knowledge. Very often, after updates, various things spilled out, notoriously the nest thermostat and nesta sensors, sometimes stic zwave aeotec 5 gen or zigbee2mqtt. That’s why I prefer something less complicated and very intuitive. Unfortunately, despite the fact that I have vera plus, unfortunately too many of my devices will not install it, so the choice was smartthings.

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Any updates on whether this is on the roadmap anywhere?

@Anseld1986 SmartThings integration is planned for next-gen dashboards, but it is not development yet.

Samsung, like many other renowned brands, uses the open MATTER protocol. It would be nice if an API is implemented to manage devices compatible with the MATTER protocol, that way many brands and devices would be integrated.