Room widget on HomeAssistant

With the new room widget and a homeassistant server, what do you need to do to get a background photo working? The bind button doesn’t show any items.

Generic camera component is good here with a still image.
In general, any camera HASS component could be bound, including live camera image.

I have a couple of cameras before that didn’t show up. Just added a static “generic ip camera” one, and it still doesn’t appear in the bind list. It does appear on the HA frontend, so I know the config is valid.

What is your app version? and HA version?

I’m currently on preview 15 of the app, and 0.54 HA. I’ll upgrade my HA this weekend and see if that makes a difference…

I actually tested yesterday on 0.54, so something else must be going on. I will move this to bugs and will update after additional investigation.