Release - Beta 13: Weather forecast

Weather forecast

Weather widget has new forecast mode that allows to add multiple periods of weather forecast.
Currently only daily periods are supported.

Home Assistant users

Only data from weather sensors is bindable to weather forecast properties. Weather components will be supported soon.


  • Support for cameras configured in Domoticz settings
  • Fix for Temp/Humidity/Barometer devices missing temperature attribute


How can i put this on my screen?
Did not find it.
I use the OpenWeatherMap Binding on OH.

@jpcolin Weather widget has mode property, when set to “forecast” widget allows to add and bind forecast temperature/condition/other items

Oh ok, I tought it was possible to have this in 1 widget, that would be nice!
Like this:


Separate widgets should provide more flexibility for users to place today’s or forecast weather however they want. Placing two widgets next to each other vertically, should achieve the same information layout.

I understand you point of view, but for different widget, i find it annoying to have 2 widgets.
Like the media widget with a separate volume widget, the light widget with a separate dimmer slider widget.
Would it be possible to “merge” 2 widgets?

“Merging” of some widgets was actually considered awhile ago, but it wasn’t possible to do it in a robust way at that point. Maybe in the future. Can you post an idea for that, so community can vote on it.

Media widget is planned to have volume control built-in.