Pin/Pattern/Fingerprint/Facial Recognition

I’m running about 5 of these as a trial within my hotel using OpenHab. I will probably have up to 10 when I’m finished.

I think they’re great, especially now that I’ve found the import/export function. It would be even better if we could screen lock the app so that patrons couldn’t control my devices. At the moment I’m just testing but I have to make the decision of whether to hide them so patrons can’t access them or show them off but with security. I vote for the latter as they look so cool.



@KenMullins to clarify, is this request for (1) ability to lock settings and disable dashboard editing, or (2) making whole dashboard view-only?

I think it would be nice to be able to password protect entities using a 4-digit number.

SharpTools has a great feature which allows you to set a 4-digit pin, this can be applied across the entire dashboard, or you can set it to pop-up on certain entities, such as alarm controls.


Hi @Igor

Thanks for the very fast reply. :slight_smile: I would say both. The pin would stop any access to the app, but still show the dashboard until a person touched the tablet and then the pin panel would appear to enter a pin and allow access. When I say “allow access” i mean to navigate through the dashboards andspawn an event through clicking a tile. I think design restriction is already handled in the app.

So long story short, I want to be able to put the tablets (10+) anywhere in the hotel and they display the last homehabit screen accessed. If a normal patron tries to mess with it ie turn lights on/off they will be greeted with a security dialog box. Only staff will know the code and therefore get access to the tiles.



@connor_thompson. Yes this looks like what I was talking about and goes even a little bit further allowing some tiles to be accessed by “everyone”. I presume general menu settings and administrator icons have their own security properties to disable access to the backend?

Configuration locking and user permissions for dashboards available in 26.0 release.

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