I’ve just discovered homehabit after using rotini for a while. We’ve moved recently, so our HA setup is starting fresh. My current environment is a new install on OH2.5. I’m using the latest homehabit beta (beta 11 build 2135)
It’s great to see support for more platforms and UI config. However, I’m running into a bit of trouble on setup.
When I try to add widgets from UI, most (not all) of my openHAB items aren’t there. For example, if i try to add a dimmer widget, I go into bind item - the list is blank. However, a few items will appear if I add a switch widget. The behavior seems inconsistent for now, as sometimes more items will appear.
Is there something I’m overlooking on my item setup?
I’ve fallen back to text based config. Seems to be working well, but I just want to check, which method is recommended for setup now?