HomeHabit 21.0: OpenWeather and AccuWeather

This release adds couple of new weather integrations, with a nice addition of custom weather maps from OpenWeather.
Enjoy the release!

OpenWeather integration

OpenWeather is a popular source for weather data.
Integration requires registration and an API key from OpenWeather. To register, go to OpenWeather and generate new API key.

Available for Premium Plus

AccuWeather integration

Use this integration as a source of your weather data for many locations.
You will need a developer API key from AccuWeather to connect this integration. To generate an AccuWeather API key, go to AccuWeather API page.

Available for Premium Plus

Custom weather overlays

This a great addition to the Weather Radar widget that allows selecting a custom weather map, instead of default radar.

Currently only OpenWeather integration provides these. There are 5 custom maps available from OpenWeather:

  • clouds
  • precipitation
  • pressure
  • temperature
  • wind

Other changes

  • Widget details popup will now use current dashboard theme
  • Fix for Tile integration unable to reconnect after some time


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HomeHabit 21.0
Available starting October 30, 2021

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