HomeHabit 18.0: Tracker widget, Tile integration, Text to Speech, and more

The new version contains several new features and requested improvements from the community. Enjoy the release!

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Tracker widget

The new widget displays current address for a specified location. Address is resolved automatically without additional configuration.
Tracker widget can be configured to show either icon with optional color, or a photo.

Tile integration

Add tile tracker devices to the app and display item locations in Tracker or Map widgets.

Available for Premium Plus

Speak a text message

The new action in Rules to speak a text message.

Example configuration
"rules": {
  "garage-door-opened": {
    "name": "Garage Door Opened",
    "condition": {
      "item": "test.device#contact-sensor.state.contact",
      "operator": "eq",
      "value": "on"
    "action": {
      "type": "speak-text",
      "value": "Garage door is open"
    "enabled": true

Material Design Icons v6.2.95

Material Design Icons pack has been updated to the latest version (6.2.95).
Hundreds of new icons have been added. Some icons were renamed or removed. Please check your configuration if any icons are missing.

Other changes

  • Ability to enable/disable rules in JSON configuration
  • Fix for last change time not being visible for some integrations

HomeHabit 18.0
Available starting October 10, 2021

HomeHabit 18.1

  • Fix for a crash when using Tracker widget on Fire tablets. However, resolving location to an address won’t work on Fire tablets. It uses an API that should be available on FireOS, but it does not seem to work properly.

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