Future support for very small screens (4")

Hi Igor,

My homehabit wall tablets are still going strong after all these years. Thanks again!!

I recently stumbled across what I believe will be an ideal bedside setup for HomeHabit, very small displays running android such as the Lenovo Smart Clock 2. This type of device comes with a small (4 inch) touchscreen and is specialized to be used next to your bed or desk; GREAT for home control on tabletop spaces where a tablet can’t be easily mounted. Here’s a reference photo:


I’ve managed to get Home Habit running on this kind of device, but I’ve run into the limitation of home habit widgets not resizing nicely for small displays. Because of home habit’s design, the density of control widgets is not making good use of limited space on small screens. Will it ever be possible to make something like the following samples on home habit?


that screen with Master Bedroom looks great. Those icons at the top look like HA mushroom chip cards.
Is this HA or homehabit?
I’ve given up on HA. I can’t believe I’ve spend hours trying to put a simple clock on an HA Dashboard.
If that’s homehabit, how did you get the chip like cards?
Thanks so much

Oh, sorry for the confusion, those were other people’s reference pictures, not my own. My question was if homehabit will support such views in the future since I prefer HH

Either way, yes, those are from HA with the kiosk mode and mushroom chip card plugins.

I would like to use sonoff panel pro!

Gotcha. Thanks