Few bugs while testing on tablet

Hi Igor,

Few bugs I’ve noticed while setting it all up on my tablet yesterday:

  • Dimmer control for hue lights doesn’t turn all the way to 0 (goes to 1%) not sure if it’s because lights are in a group
  • Group of bunch of lights - If I turn them of with a switch control they do turn off but come back on a second later
  • While fiddling with the tab editor, screen sometimes goes blank (all controls disappear) and you have to go out and back in the tab

Igor (another one) :slight_smile:

Thanks for the bug report.
What is the device/OS version you have?

Samsung 10.1 note 2014.
I think it should be Android 6.0 or 5.1.1 in worst case. I’ll check when I get home.

What kind of grouping did you use here? Example config or something would help.

Just a normal group:

name: First Floor Lights
- light.middle_room_ceiling
- light.office_desk_lamp
- light.office_pendant
- light.bedroom_ceiling
- light.bedroom_strip_left
- light.bedroom_strip_right

I then added a switch for that group in Rotini.

This should be fixed in the next Beta 3 release.


Any idea why the dimmer controller doesn’t turn off the lamps when reduced to 0? Is that just how it should work and I should use switch instead?


I believe that it is also will be fixed in the next release.