Exposed Items

Im hoping that you will expose all of the entities in HASS. For instance I was going to use your Thermostat widget and bind it to my Media_player but I cant choose any entitiy for that. I understand only wanting to use certain entities for certain widgets but i feel like this limits creativity.

Right now the only exposed items are lights and switches. yet scripts should at least be available because for me that is probably half of my setup lol.

I do understand that this is beta so some of these are just questions.

  • Do you have a plan for any type of input_select. (I have an input select that has my playlists in it to select) For now I could just make a new script for them once you expose it but its just something to think about

  • When rearranging bigger widgets its difficult to skip squares across the screen rather than just one by one. .

Thank. By the way I love how responsive this setup is. This is way quicker than me using the HASS online GUI

I’m not sure I follow. What would you expect to see when you bind media player data to thermostat? :slight_smile:
Bound list will always be limited by compatible data, for example, it should not be possible to bind blob of text to gauge value. However, if data is similar or convertible, something might be possible.

Yes, not all HASS items are included yet. HASS is new integration, and has large variety of items, so it will take some time to support all of it.

Yes, kind of selection widget is coming.

This is also in the works.

Glad you like it. Enjoy!

For instance media player only has so many buttons. Volume up, volume down, play ,pause, previous track, next track.
volume = Thermostat up and down button
volume numbers = Thermostat numbers
Play/Pause toggle = Thermostat Mode
Next Track = Thermostat fan

And if scripts were exposed it would open up a lot. I know I don’t have scripts exposed for Alexa because I have so many. but if I have to change all of those scripts to switches that would be a night mare lol

Scripts will be supported soon.

For thermostat, I don’t think it would work in that case, because of incompatible formats. For instance, thermostat mode is a selector of few modes, rather than a toggle. However, there will be a dedicated music widget that should have all controls that you listed.

@benjimatt Support for scripts (and switches) have been added in Preview 2 release.