I have still unsupported protected switch. Is it a bug ? Latest HomeHabit and Domoticz. When i uncheck “protected” in domoticz - Homehabit works perfect.
I have the same problem, any suggestion?
What is the Type and SubType for that device in Domoticz (Setup > Devices screen)?
Type = light/switch
Subtype = switch
Can you run this URL in your browser and copy the response?
DEVICE_ID is Idx from Devices list
Selector Switch:
"ActTime": 1696227795,
"AstrTwilightEnd": "20:32",
"AstrTwilightStart": "05:34",
"CivTwilightEnd": "19:23",
"CivTwilightStart": "06:43",
"DayLength": "11:40",
"NautTwilightEnd": "19:57",
"NautTwilightStart": "06:09",
"ServerTime": "2023-10-02 08:23:15",
"SunAtSouth": "13:03",
"Sunrise": "07:13",
"Sunset": "18:53",
"app_version": "2023.1",
"AddjMulti": 1.0,
"AddjMulti2": 1.0,
"AddjValue": 0.0,
"AddjValue2": 0.0,
"BatteryLevel": 255,
"CustomImage": 0,
"Data": "Set Level: 10 %",
"Description": "",
"DimmerType": "none",
"Favorite": 1,
"HardwareDisabled": false,
"HardwareID": 17,
"HardwareName": "Generali",
"HardwareType": "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal": 15,
"HaveDimmer": true,
"HaveGroupCmd": true,
"HaveTimeout": false,
"ID": "000141B0",
"Image": "Light",
"IsSubDevice": false,
"LastUpdate": "2023-10-02 07:55:05",
"Level": 10,
"LevelActions": "fHw=",
"LevelInt": 10,
"LevelNames": "QSBjYXNhfE5vbiBhIGNhc2F8Tm90dGU=",
"LevelOffHidden": false,
"MaxDimLevel": 100,
"Name": "Modo Corrente",
"Notifications": "false",
"PlanID": "0",
"Protected": true,
"SelectorStyle": 0,
"ShowNotifications": true,
"SignalLevel": "-",
"Status": "Set Level: 10 %",
"StrParam1": "",
"StrParam2": "",
"SubType": "Switch",
"SwitchType": "Selector",
"SwitchTypeVal": 18,
"Timers": "false",
"Type": "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg": "Light",
"Unit": 1,
"Used": 1,
"UsedByCamera": false,
"XOffset": "0",
"YOffset": "0",
"idx": "352"
"status": "OK",
"title": "Devices"
On Off switch:
"ActTime": 1696229115,
"AstrTwilightEnd": "20:32",
"AstrTwilightStart": "05:34",
"CivTwilightEnd": "19:23",
"CivTwilightStart": "06:43",
"DayLength": "11:40",
"NautTwilightEnd": "19:57",
"NautTwilightStart": "06:09",
"ServerTime": "2023-10-02 08:45:15",
"SunAtSouth": "13:03",
"Sunrise": "07:13",
"Sunset": "18:53",
"app_version": "2023.1",
"AddjMulti": 1.0,
"AddjMulti2": 1.0,
"AddjValue": 0.0,
"AddjValue2": 0.0,
"BatteryLevel": 255,
"CustomImage": 15,
"Data": "On",
"Description": "",
"DimmerType": "none",
"Favorite": 1,
"HardwareDisabled": false,
"HardwareID": 18,
"HardwareName": "Pompa di Calore",
"HardwareType": "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal": 15,
"HaveDimmer": true,
"HaveGroupCmd": true,
"HaveTimeout": false,
"ID": "00014167",
"Image": "Heating",
"IsSubDevice": false,
"LastUpdate": "2023-10-02 08:34:00",
"Level": 0,
"LevelInt": 0,
"MaxDimLevel": 100,
"Name": "Stato PDC",
"Notifications": "false",
"PlanID": "9",
"Protected": true,
"ShowNotifications": true,
"SignalLevel": "-",
"Status": "On",
"StrParam1": "",
"StrParam2": "",
"SubType": "Switch",
"SwitchType": "On/Off",
"SwitchTypeVal": 0,
"Timers": "false",
"Type": "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg": "lightbulb",
"Unit": 1,
"Used": 1,
"UsedByCamera": false,
"XOffset": "0",
"YOffset": "0",
"idx": "279"
"status": "OK",
"title": "Devices"
- Protected selectors currently not supported
- On/Off switch, for some reason has
"HaveDimmer": true
, so it is treated differently from other protected switches right now. This can probably be added - I will check.
Support for On/Off switch with "HaveDimmer": true
will be added in the next patch release.
1 Like
and we have 2024 - the support was added ? in my homehabbit if i try to switch secured switch - homehabit disconnect from domoticz.
EDIT: worked. Sorry for my post.
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