Color / hue lightts widget

I like simplicity ad usability of the app, hence stick to it, most likely, permanently. If it pops up to be paid I’d stick to it again.

Here some suggestions on lights widget.
Insdead of having only 5 or 6 light colors, I’d like to see a color/hue wheel / slider to control lights more efficiently.

As one of pioneers of home automation, (including early stages of LinuxMCE), in this field, I can find the limited number of colors per widget very confusing especialy in complex enviroments. Imagine having a ceiling recesseds together with ambient stripes and some C/W hue spots. In order to get every one set to exact color one need several widgets with only 5 or 6 points of color, and nowdays we have controllers which are able to provide thousands, or millions of colors. A wheel/slider per one widged would be great improvement.

@cedo.maric Thanks for sharing the idea!
The main reason is that most users use some colors repeatedly, so it becomes kind of cumbersome to select the same color on a wheel over and over (and it is even harder to select the same color on smaller screens). We believe that this use would be the primary so that’s why it was implemented first, with a possibility to expand it for more specific color selection later.

There is also a plan to add ability to bind multiple lights to the same widget (similar to switches), so the same color would be applied to all.

Thank You for the reply.
I share Your opinion. However, i barely can wait to see these options implemented.

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