Can't bind HASS item for weather condition


I don’t know why but the list to bind an item to get the weather condition is empty.

I have the following two platforms setup in Home Assistant for the weather:

Dark sky is exposing a summary, the temperature, humidity, and precipitation probability.

However, neither weather summary are available in the list to bind it to the weather widget (however, I can add the temperature, humidity, and precipitation probability sensors to the bottom the the widget).

YR integration wasn’t tested yet, so can’t comment on that yet.
For dark sky, icon should be in monitored_conditions list, summary doesn’t work because it is just a human readable text which cannot be used reliably.

@TheCellMC Full support for YR component is added for the next release (you would need to use symbol in YR configuration for condition in UI).

Oh, I didn’t have the icon in my Dark Sky monitored_conditions list. I thought that summary was going to be the one used by the dashboard’s widget, thanks for the help @igor .

It’s interesting, because other than the HASS documentation page using -icon in its example, there’s no mention of it anywhere. I didn’t think it was a real option.