Hey @igor,
Can you recommend how best to setup a garage door as a single widget?
These are my 2 items in OpenHAB…
Contact GarageContact "Garage" <garagedoor2> (AllItems, LogRRD4J) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/ESP_Easy_03/ReedSwitch/Open:state:OPEN:1],<[mosquitto:/ESP_Easy_03/ReedSwitch/Open:state:CLOSED:0]"}
Switch GarageButton "Garage Door" [ "Lighting" ] { http=">[*:POST:,5,1,500]" }
The button just sends a 500ms pulse to the relay which closes and then opens a contact which kicks the garage door motor into motion. And then the contact just gives me open/close status.
Can I incorporate these into one widget yet?