Unable to verify SSL certificate

yes, for everything. Domain is static, but I don’t see why would ddns domain make a difference for certificate check.

Can you upload logs from support screen soon after failed certificate check?

Just did.

Yes, but HomeHabit does work with self-signed certificates generally. Some software does not, so then it would need to provide override option. Even with self-signed certificates, domain and expiration should be valid. So there should not be a need for an override.

There must be something unusual going on here.

Thanks, will update after examination.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

@frnandu can you try testing remote connection again and upload logs after? Also, please make sure that remote connection is disabled before the test. For some reason, I see local URL setup as remote URL in logs.


Same problem… android 9 tablet (from china)…
Connecting to home assistant with a browser works (https duckdns address) but using HomeHabit I get this message after the login screen (after the auhorization is complete screen).

Most browsers will show pages even if certificate cannot be verified. Also, depending on the browser, it might not be using system available certificates (which might be outdated on some devices).
Please upload debug logs from Support screen after the error and provide additional information about the certificate such as:

  • self-signed or not
  • does it match domain
  • within expiration date


Thank you for the fast reply.
I do not know where to find the debug logs?

The certivicate is valid and checked.
Common Name: ***.duckdns.org
Issuing CA: Let’s Encrypt Authority X3
Valid: April 01, 2020 to June 30, 2020
Key Size: 4096 bits

I forgot to mention the app works fine on my samsung phone, I only have the problem on my new tablet from china.

@Ejal_Nvt Debug logs can be uploaded by going: Navigation menu > Support > Select “upload debug logs”
Since it works on more mainstream device, most likely the issue is outdated ciphers on the tablet.

I just uploaded the debug logs.

@Ejal_Nvt did you go through platform setup again, right before uploading logs?

Yes i did…

hmmm ok, don’t see any related errors in logs. That’s strange.
What is the model for the tablet?

It says zh960.i bought it on wish especially for your program to hang on my wall… my mistake :frowning:

Are you using android webview in your app? I think these tablets use an old version (30). Might that be the problem?

The app starts fine, lets me login to my home assistant and then gives the error screen i uploaded and something about authorization unsuccessful.

no, since it fails after browser authorization, it is using system certificates by that point.
Does device have Play Services and Play Store installed?

Yes it has play store. that’s how i installed your app in the first place.

Any progress on this?
Without working from external network I can’t use HomeHabit, and I would really like to use it, since Imperihome seems to be dead.
If you want another paying user, please resolve this SSL issue!