Room Widget Background not loading

And your OH instance is not on, since you connect through myopenhab, correct?

I am now in local mode. As I thought the myopenhab is the problem.

ok, and what host (exactly) you entered when configuring platform for local access? is OH2 Host

I have the same problem where it is putting “api” stuff at the front of my url to the image.

This is fixed for the Preview 23 release

Hi Igor,

the link looks now good, but the background is not loaded over myopenhab connection. Should this work?

myopenhab link:

@rene54321 I didn’t specially check for myopenhab URLs, but can you access that image normally through browser?
If it does work with browser, I’m thinking maybe auth is a problem then.


yes I believe that is the problem. I am only able to load the jpg after authenticating with myopenhab. I use myopenhab connection as Rotini platform to be able to access all items over 4G without VPN to my home, so I thought this is also working as getting the item states.

best regards René

@rene54321 yes, it should’ve worked. Assuming you have part included in the item state, can you try without it? E.g. /static/rotini/living-room.jpg


The item contains this link:

If I open this link in the browser I need to authticate. After successful authentication the Screenshot is loaded.

Can you try putting relative link as item value: /static/rotini/living-room.jpg?


I have tried this right now. Without the http:// at the beginning I get again this api stuff:


Yes, that’s an app internal URL, so that’s good, but it still didn’t work?

I just tried this feature with widget background together with openhab. At least with the local connection it’s working for me. What I have done:

String Background_Erdgeschoss “Background Erdgeschoss”

// Systemstart
rule “Load Pictures”
System started
Background_Erdgeschoss.postUpdate ("/static/erdgeschoss.jpg")

OK, it’s not working 100% also for me…
@igor maybe it helps: in my case i can see the image after widget configuration. but as soon as I restart rotini the background is not there anymore.


could you please also try it over myopenhab.

Maybe related: there is currently a case when server returns no image (it happens with OH from time to time) UI doesn’t try to refresh it unless URL changed.
So, when it goes blank for you, can you check if it shown again on next app restart?

Hi Igor,

local it is working now. But it would be much better to get it also working over myopenhab. Michael have you tried it with myopenhab?

@igor it’s now the question what does restart mean :slight_smile: I can just switch the tab and go back to rotini…then it works. But as soon as i really close the app the pictures are visible about 1s and that’s it. I will try to record and upload a video.

@rene54321 Not yet. I will try this the next days…
